The Journey...

I started this blog in 2010 under the title "The Fat to Fit Chronicles" to document the training for and completion of my very first half-marathon. My decision to train was the first step on my journey from fat to fit. In my former life I was 319 lbs, depressed, and living a "less than" life.

Over the course of training I discovered a passion for fitness and helping others. So this blog has morphed into something more than just my musings and venting. My hope is that when you leave this blog you have learned something or picked up something valuable to aide you along your own journey.

So mount up, Posse, and let's go from Fat to Fit!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Learn How To Do A Perfect Tempo Run From Runner's

I've shared this before and I'll share it again. Tempos are great runs to add to your training if done right.

Learn How To Do A Perfect Tempo Run From Runner's

Monday, August 6, 2012

"Reverse Route" Not an Option

I think it's pretty cool that all these map apps finally have a "reverse route" option. Previously I would have to re-enter the addresses to get directions back to starting point. Great feature for a road-trip, but not so great on this fitness journey. 

It's very easy when in the face of adversity to stop moving; stop making forward progress and just go back to what is familiar and comfortable. It's very easy to scream curses skyward or bemoan the fates for cracks and pitfalls in your path and stop moving forward. For years I've battled with bouts of immobilizing depression and the thought that I'm cursed. Those feelings kept me in a crazy circle of avoidance, obesity, emotional eating, and settling for mediocrity. I would be lying if I said it all went away. It doesn't go away. But it gets better.

If you've followed this blog you've heard me say time and time again that weight loss is not just about the weight. As you move forward on this journey and endeavor to make lasting changes, you will have to learn how to deal with whatever head issues you have because it's those head issues that will you busting a U-turn and hitting the "reverse route" button. Before you know it you will have reverted back to a couch-potato in size 26 pants watching "Biggest Loser" while eating chips and ice cream.

I have learned to not allow myself to wallow in the depression or whatever negative thing I'm feeling. I have learned to shake the dust off and keep moving. The more you conquer the easier it becomes to traverse those cracks and pitfalls along the road; the more you appreciate the trials of the journey. Learn your triggers. Learn your kryptonite. Learn how to get out of your own way. Learn how to keep moving forward no matter what.  You know the work it took to get ahead so don't even contemplate reversing your route. Keep it moving!!