"Great ideas originate in the muscles." --Thomas Edison
Blah Blah Blah. . .now what?
Words are cheap. . .and so is hot air. Enough with the words and planning and thinking. DO IT!! What good is a plan if you never put it into action? Through the execution of plan you find where you need to tweak areas and maybe rewrite parts of your plan. But you will never know unless you actually put it into action.
Consistency is also important. Working out for one week then never picking up your shoes again is not execution. Your success will come as you plan, execute, revise, repeat. I think about my journey in Christianity. The day I first gave my heart to God I felt great, like I had made a life changing decision. Then the hard work started and I second guessed that great feeling. I made mistakes. I fell off the wagon. But through trial and error and following God's plan (aka The Bible) I've grown and matured in my faith.
Your body is strengthened in the same way. Over time with consistent, effective effort you will see results. Your stamina will increase. Your muscles will grown. The fat will dissipate. Your energy will increase. Let me repeat: OVER TIME WITH CONSISTENT, EFFECTIVE EFFORT. Let's break that down:
- Over time: Be realistic with your time goal and commit the time required to get results. You won't see results if you are only working out one day a week.
- Consistent: Be committed! If you say you're going to workout three days a week then do it and don't let anything sidetrack you. If you can't do it at lunch, change gears and get it in that evening. If it rains, pop in a dvd or pull out your resistance bands. Whatever you do, be consistent. What kind of results do you expect to see if you workout one day this week and four days the next week and two days the week after that?
- Effective Effort: Yes, you have to sweat. Yes, you have to work. Thirty minutes on a treadmill at minimal effort does not get results. Lifting 5lbs dumbbells for 12 reps when you can really do 8 or 10 lbs does not get results. Do you want to see results? Then make your efforts effective. Understand your target heart rate and work in that zone.
Sorry for my rampage, but I've had to give myself the same kick in the pants. The difference between a dream and a goal is a PLAN. But some of the best laid plans never come to fruition because of no (or poor) execution. Let's get it done!!!