The Journey...

I started this blog in 2010 under the title "The Fat to Fit Chronicles" to document the training for and completion of my very first half-marathon. My decision to train was the first step on my journey from fat to fit. In my former life I was 319 lbs, depressed, and living a "less than" life.

Over the course of training I discovered a passion for fitness and helping others. So this blog has morphed into something more than just my musings and venting. My hope is that when you leave this blog you have learned something or picked up something valuable to aide you along your own journey.

So mount up, Posse, and let's go from Fat to Fit!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Back on the Pill

Over the past couple of months I've been ebbing and flowing in all aspects of my life. There are times when I feel like I've got it all together and then there are times when I have to send out a mayday. In early January I was feeling a little desperate and reverted back to "magic pill" thinking. One morning at 6am I was perusing Groupon and before I could think clearly I purchased a special for five B-12 injections. Yes, I did it. 

Honestly, I was hoping it would give me a jump start since I hadn't had any major weight loss since April 2012 (the infamous foot/ankle injury) I said, desperate. The first shot had me sick as a dog. I think I had every side effect listed--nausea, vomiting, fever--and I did not experience any increase in my energy. Maybe it works for people who are B12 deficient or who aren't already eating right and exercising. I just know that I wasted money, gas, and time. 

That experience just confirmed for me once again that gimmicks and quick fixes don't net success in and of themselves. If you do experience any loss from the quick fixes, you will most assuredly gain the weight back once you resume your "normal" behavior. So, I chucked the desperation and decided to fine tune my plan. Immediately following that fiasco I started Jamie Eason's LiveFit program. 

Yes, I'm still a Beachbody coach and I love their products and the company, but they are not the only show in town (probably not good for my sales...). I also chose the LiveFit program because it's absolutely free and focused more on weight lifting. I love running but I also realize that I have a high percentage of lean muscle, so I need to use that to my advantage. And no, I'm not doing the program for weight loss, per se. I'm doing it to increase my lean muscle mass and decrease my percentage of body fat. 

Here's the truth I had to face: I may never look like Laila Ali but while there is still breath in my body I will keep pushing to have the best physique that I can. It may take time but I'm willing to put in the work. No more magic pills. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Plan!

Last week I tried to write an entry retelling my experience in the 2013 Cupid's Chase but the words just wouldn't come. I wanted to tell you all about my awesome 22 straight minutes of running (really jogging) and shaving six minutes off my time from 2011. I wanted to tell you about how strong I felt up until the moment when the snot took over and I couldn't breathe. Yeah, all the glorious details.

Since that race I've been re-thinking my schedule for 2013. If you've entered a few races lately you know that it's not cheap. When you add in the cost of travel and shopping for a new race outfit (yes, that is an essential part of racing!) it can really add up. I am not only a FIT mama, but I'm also a FRUGAL mama so I had to stop and consider the cost. Two thing this year are non-negotiable: the family cruise and my trip to Puerto Rico in November. I'm willing to shuffle everything else as long as those two trip happen. That being said, here's my schedule for the year:

I'm really looking forward to each of the races and the training in between. This year my goal is to hit sub-3hrs for each of the half marathons. I've set the big hairy goal of completing a full marathon if I can hit a 2:45 on at least one of my halfs this year. YIKES!!!

The mud run is going to be so much fun! I'm hoping to put together a team for that one for sure. And the Superhero race is all for my boys. Each child completing the 50 yard dash will get a medal. They love wearing my medals so it's going to be pretty awesome for them to have their own.

Here's to a fabulously healthy year!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2013 Chicago Women's Half Marathon

Think I'm going o do this one. it's in Chicago and benefits the American Heart Association's Go Red for Women campaign. It's also flat--unlike Nashville. So excited!
2013 Chicago Women's Half Marathon

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tackling the Hills

View of capital bldg from Bicentennial Park

I live in Nashville, TN so I'm very familiar with hills. My neighborhood runs include hills whether I want them to or not, so I've learned to just GET OVER THEM. I didn't say that I run up those sons-a-snitches quickly or even that I look forward to them. I said I've learned to just GET OVER THEM. Standing at the bottom of one doesn't get me over it. Going another route just puts me at the foot of a different hill.

When I stop griping and complaining about the hills, I realize that they've made my legs stronger. And standing at the top of the hill can give you a great view (like the one from behind the capital, gorgeous!). The same principle applies in life. For the longest time I've wanted to obtain my primary group fitness certification but have hit one hill after another--money, car accident, not having the right study materials. But the biggest hill I've had to conquer is my FEAR. Yes, fear. The fear ranges from not feeling like I measure up to others, to not being able to pronounce anatomical terms, to wondering how others will judge the loose skin on my arms and around my belly. There is even a small inkling of a fear to actually succeed. Wow...

There is a scripture that says "there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear." If I believe that God's love is perfect and that he blessed me with gifts out of his love for me and that his plan for me is inked by his love for me, then what am I fearing? If I venture forth and fail, have I really lost anything? Or will I know to be better the next time?

Lots of people ask me about how to start running or working out or eating right. But not many actually follow through. The tendency is to shake your head and write it off as they weren't really serious. However, for some, I get the feeling that their reluctance to move forward is rooted in a form of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the work it will take. Fear of the diligence required. Fear of being freaking awesome (yes, it's a great responsibility). So, as I go through the battlefield and conquer my own fears I will lift up a prayer for all of them. I pray that they get a small taste of victory to power them forward. I pray that they take hold of the love that casts out those fears and leads you to an abundant life--all aspects of life.

Hills. Fears. Whatever. Just get over them.