No, it's not New Years. No, I'm not on team two piece. No, I'm not trying to fit into a dress. Someone reason asked what I was traning for. My answer? LIFE!! My quest to lose this last 30-40 pounds is purely because I want to.
And then came Shaun T's Focus T25: 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for 50 days. Dude!!
Want to join me? Order your challenge pack then connect with me on Facebook or Instagram (@jlawf2f). Order by July 31st and you save $80!
Starting August 1st, I promise to share my journey with you and I ask that you do the same. Whether you know it or not, your journey will inspire others to make changes in their own lives. And that's really the point, right? To be our best selves.
Let's do it!