The Journey...

I started this blog in 2010 under the title "The Fat to Fit Chronicles" to document the training for and completion of my very first half-marathon. My decision to train was the first step on my journey from fat to fit. In my former life I was 319 lbs, depressed, and living a "less than" life.

Over the course of training I discovered a passion for fitness and helping others. So this blog has morphed into something more than just my musings and venting. My hope is that when you leave this blog you have learned something or picked up something valuable to aide you along your own journey.

So mount up, Posse, and let's go from Fat to Fit!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

I hate numbers. . .

Sometimes I really hate numbers. . .my official time for the 15k was 2hrs and 53mins. Which means my pace was 18mins 33 sec per mile--which is much lower than the pace I train at. I keep telling myself that I have to take into account that the Percy Warner Park course was HELLACIOUS. The course for the half-marathon is nowhere near as hilly as PWP.

The next few weeks I will add in more hills and portions of the half course so that I will be better prepared. I want to finish in under 4 hours and at my 15k pace I would be over 4 hrs.

I guess that's why you can't just go by numbers. Hence the reason I don't weigh myself very often :)

Back on my training schedule--2 miles easy today, crosstrain Tues, five mile speed work Wed, crosstrain Thurs, rest Friday, long route Saturday, and easy 30 mins Sunday.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

15K Conquered!!

Today was about the most challenging physical activity of my life. At least in childbirth you get drugs! Let me start by saying I respect anyone who can run/walk Percy Warner Park. If felt like I was climbing Mt. Everest. Dude!! And there wasn't just one hill--I lost count b/c there were so many. The scenery was beautiful--minus the mosquitoes--but I will never do that course again, as God is my witness (in my Scarlet O'Hara voice).

Let me back up. Today I completed the ALKALI-Project Athena 15K at Percy Warner Park. This is in preparation for the half-marathon on Sept 25th (for anyone who doesn't already know this). I arrived at about 6:30am and immediately felt alone and out of place. I found a secluded area and did some warm-up and stretching and retied my shoes. No one else out there looked like me--my size or my hue. My stomach was a ball of nerves, or maybe it was my bladder. While in line for the port-o-potty (one word: YUCK) I met Rebbecca. She was also alone and she was a walker/jogger. We talked for a minute and she said, "now neither one of us is alone."

At the start everyone ran, except me. When everyone passed me I panicked and started running too--which is a no-no. That lasted for a hot second then it was back to my walking pace. Mile 1 seemed to take forever and I was a little discouraged b/c my clock said 7:27, but then I remembered that we didn't start exactly at 7am. At mile 2 my clock said 7:43. That marker also served as the 5 mile marker and two runners passed me. The lady said "Good job" to me and before I knew it I was crying. I just wanted to raise my hand and say "I quit. Just let me go home and eat some collard greens and dressing." And that's when I saw my buddy from the port-o-potty line. She was about a 1/4 mile ahead of me. All of a sudden I felt like maybe I could do this. I kept her in my sights--seeing her ahead of me kept me moving.

Around the 4th mile I caught up to her and we chatted. At mile 5 she was ahead of me again but mid-way through I passed her. From that point on I stayed ahead--even when I wanted to stop. I know now why they say on races stick with those who are about the same pace or a little better than you. These people keep you motivated but realistic.

The 6th and 7th miles were by far the most arduous. I felt like my lungs were going to give out on me. Once I passed mile marker 8 my body started aching so I stretched a little and kept going. When I saw the marker for mile 9 I started crying. I couldn't believe it. My longest distance to date has been 6 miles. I went into this not sure if my body could take it.

Victory was so sweet. I wasn't first (wasn't last either) but I finished and have the medal and photo to prove it.

To anyone out there who is hesitant about setting a goal or worried about what others will say, I say DO YOU!! At 200++ lbs I completed a 15k in under 3 hours!!! You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you. To trust in Him is to be assured of victory--and victory is so sweet.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 55 (IKR!! Can't believe it!)

Hellllooooo world!!

Feeling awesome--but still a touch nervous about the 15k this weekend. I'm just getting my regular training in this week and praying like crazy that I can complete the 9.32 on Saturday. Even if I'm the very last person so what, at least I will finish (right???).

Yesterday I had a great session. It was supposed to be my "easy" two miles but instead I did about an hour of a sort-of interval session--I alternated walking two laps and running one. And I'm talking actual running, not jogging :) It felt good to put a little speed into the mix. My knees help up well so I think my goal of running a half-marathon in the spring is realistic.

On another note, I'm thinking of starting an "active" group focused on just being active and fit. I want to see if any of my friends & co-workers would be interested. We shall see. . .

Today my plan is to cross-train (using my circuit from an earlier post) and then Wednesday get my mid-week 5miles in (not looking forward to waking up at 4am).

"I move onward, the only direction. Can't be scared of failure, in search of perfection"--Jay-Z, On to the Next One

Friday, August 20, 2010

35 days left!!!! OMG I'm freaking out!

Wow, time flies!!! I only have 35 days left until the half marathon and I'm starting to doubt myself a little bit. The next few weeks I'm just gonna focus on getting my miles in to work up my endurance.

This whole journey has been crazy-cool. I've had to shift my "sight" from what I see with my natural eye to seeing what's going on beneath the surface. My pants are falling off my butt--granted, I don't have much butt. My shirts are fitting better. I feel like Xena/She-ra and healthwise my body is in great shape. These changes have made me look at other aspects of my life.

For the first time since 2005 I'm tracking my eating. And while it's not horrible, it could be better. I'm not getting enough veggies and need to take a daily multi-vitamin. Also, my protein choices tend to be too fatty. Need to incorporate more fish and leaner cuts.

One step at a time, one foot in front of the other. Big changes start with the consistent application of smaller changes. "I move onward, the only direction"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 49--Success by Numbers!

Dude, I don't think I'll ever like waking up at 4am. To top it off, it rained the last two miles of my route this morning. But I have to say that I feel great. Awesome starting the day off with endorphins and sweat--it was actually kind of humorous. After that bit of serendipity, I made my way to work and spend an hour and half in traffic--b/c people apparently don't know how to drive in the rain. Which of course made me late for work, but I walked in with a smile on my face :)

I had a wellness check today and my numbers are good. Of course they gave me the standard "talk" about my weight, BMI, and Body Fat %. I am happy with the numbers because they are waaaay better than they were last year.

Weight: (not as much as I would like but I've been doing some weight training; clothes fit fabulously)
Body Fat Percent: 41.3%
BMI: 38.8
Blood Pressure: 130/78
Total Cholesterol: 187
HDL Cholesterol: 48
TC/HDL Ratio: 3.9
Glucose: 90 mg/dL (HA HA! To the docs who told me I would "likely" have diabetes)

Onward soldier!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Renew, Rebuild, Refocus

As you may have noticed, I changed the name of my blog. With 39 days left until the Half Marathon I've been thinking about "what's next?" What I have come to realize through this journey is that goal setting works for me. As does accountability--which is part of why I started this blog. To say "I want to lose weight" isn't enough for me b/c it's too broad and too general. However, when I employ the same methods to my fitness life as I have to the rest of my life, IT WORKS. I also realize that when I train or workout with other people I tend to be "less" of myself than I normally am when I workout. What people don't realize is that I am my own personal trainer when I'm out there. I prod myself into pushing it and finishing my reps, etc. I don't go out there to socialize or catch up. My workout time is my time to WORK IT. So, I've become okay with declining offers to work out with people. No hard feelings, but I want the payoff.

I'm rambling now. LOL!

This week I have to get 13 miles in. I did 1.5 yesterday and will do another 1/2 mile today along with my weight training circuit. I'm supposed to get 5 miles in on Wednesday morning (yucky 4am run) and then 6 miles on Saturday. Next week will be a 7 mile Saturday, then the week after that I do the 15k (9.32 miles).

My weight has not changed much, but I had a doctor's appointment on Monday and she said (yes, I'm quoting), "Wow, you have a nice strong, slow heartbeat." That's a good thing. It means I have a low resting heartrate. I can't wait until Wednesday to find out my numbers. I am going to reapply for life insurance this year. . .I've been putting it off b/c I know I will cry if I'm denied again.

I'm loving the way I feel and seeing the small changes that add up over time. Renew, rebuild, refocus. Onward soldier!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 42: The Un-thinkable

Well, I did it. I woke up at 4-a-freaking-clock in the morning and did my 3 miles; yes, I was supposed to do 5 but it was not happening this morning. Baby steps, right?? My left knee was a little achy so I am going to look into some exercises to strengthen it. My mom told me to do leg raises daily so I've been doing those (to build the muscles around my knee). Surprisingly, I had a great morning. We'll see how great I feel at 8pm tonight. . .Oi!!

This week is testing my committment b/c I have other lunch-time obligations, so I've been using my "No Excuses" at home circuit to get my cross-training in. The boys exercised with me last night and it was soooo cute. They used soup cans for weights (they called them muscles) and they loved counting backwards. My four year old tried to show me how to do lunges. . .bossy like his Mommy :) After the circuit we just danced--I made them a playlist and they loved it.

I love that they can be a part of my workouts. Growing up I used to go to my Mom's aeorbic classes but beyond that I never really knew much about "living movement." Yes, she used to watch videos and develop cheoreography, but it was never something we did as a family. One of my goals is to develop a lifestyle of movement for my boys. I want them to grow up with a love of physical movement--even Edward (the un-athlete). They will be walking with me and my Mom on Sept 4th in the Run for Jane Leukemia Cup in Savannah. That one will be just for fun, no timing to think about.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 40: Making great strides!!

I'm so proud of myself. For some people reading this my "great accomplishment" might be really mundane but I don't care!!

This past Saturday (Aug 7th) I participated in the Smyrna Parks & Recreation 5k Challenge. I was so nervous beforehand. Not that I was worried about the distance as I've done a few 5ks; I was worried about my progress.

First of all, the next race I enter I really want someone there with me. I felt so all alone. I had to get someone to take my pic for me and I didn't have time to take my tshirt to the car so I tied it around my homemade racing belt. Nevertheless, I felt like a real contender when I tied my timing chip onto my shoestrings. I lined up about a 1/4 of the way down the "line" because I didn't want to hinder the runners. I knew going into it that I would walk my first mile.

The gun fired and. . .everyone shot out like jets. Seriously, I was passed by an 80 yr old (looked like it anyway), a 9 year old and a dude pushing a stroller while running. But I kept my focus and paced myself. People in front of me were jogging and stopping and I was tempted to jog. I was tempted to look behind me and see how far back I was in the pack. But I kept hearing a voice saying "Don't worry about what's behind you. Keep moving forward towards the goal."

When I rounded mile 1 I saw the timing clock and couldn't believe my eyes. I completed the first mile in less than 15 mins! Oh Boy!! I felt like running for real then, so I let myself jog about a 1/4 of a mile (okay, maybe less). For my last two miles I combined walking and jogging. My final time was 48:43 with an overall pace of 15:43.

I am so excited!! I've been training at 17.5-18.0 min mile so to have completed my first mile in under 16 mins was so awesome.

Today I'm on schedule for 6.5 miles on my long walk. There is a heat advisory so I'm wondering if I should take a step back and just do 4 miles. I'm revamping my schedule next weekend and doing my long walks on Saturday mornings, so I won't feel to bad about stepping it back today. Think I'll play it by ear and see how it feels out there.

Oh yeah, I've also been able to raise $45 to help me pay for the Half Marathon registration of $95. This racing/competing thing is not cheap. The 15k is like $55 and the 5k in Savannah is $28. But, I feel like a million bucks, baby!!!


21 398 135 JENITA LAWAL 33 49:11 48:43 15:43

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 37--Paradigm Shift

Good morning world!!!

My spirit just wants to break out singing "I won't let go 'til you bless me Lord! I'm gonna get what you promised me. I won't let go!!"

No matter what happens or how hard things get I AM VICTORIOUS!!! I can feel that my thinking, my perception of self has changed. I am open to the new places that God is taking me and His game plan.

Tommorrow I will complete the Smyra Parks & Recreation 5K Challenge. I'm praying for a finishing time of 55.8 minutes, but even if it takes me a little longer I will be thankful for finishing. Even more awesome is that my company is reimbursing me the money for the walk. Plus, I just received a notification of a discount for the 15k coming up on August 28th. PLUS, a couple of people have pledged to help me pay for my Half Marathon registration.

God is good! Have a marvelous day, world!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 35--Try my circuit

Just did the best circuit workout! I created this one based on a couple that I found. I like it b/c most of it does not require machines. Tweak it however you like, but remember to keep the weights moderate so that you can overload with reps. I actually felt invigorated afterwards and had a great sweat going on. Have to say, my fav workouts are interval and circuit. Let me know if you like it :)

Warm up: 5 minutes bike/treadmill/calisthenics

1) Bench press or pushups - 1:00
2) Squats - 1:00
3) Pullups or pulldowns - 1:00
4) Bike/jog/jump rope - 3:00
5) Military press - 1:00
6) Lunges – 2:00 (1min forward step, 1 min backward step-alternating legs)
7) Bicep curls (alternating arms, 2count up, 4 count down) - 1:00
8) Bike/Jog/jump rope - 3:00
9) Tricep extensions - 1:00 (I prefer laying on a bench and doing these as opposed to standing)
10) Leg ext - 1:00
11) Leg curls - 1:00
12) Back extensions on ball or floor - 2:00
13) Crunches - 2:00
14) Bike/Jog/jump rope – 1:00

Cool down/stretch: 5-10 mins

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kudos for me? (blushing)

I received the email below after sharing my story on the Global Corporate Challenge website. My company is participating in the GCC this year and it is what inspired me to be conscious of my movement. My story also had comments posted from people all over the world. Is that not awesome?? How can I stop now?

"Hi Jenita -
Thanks ever so much for sharing your incredible story on the GCC Community page and CONGRATULATIONS on an outstanding effort!!!

You personify the essence of the GCC and an inspiration to your family, team mates, co-workers and the entire GCC Crew.

In fact, your story totally made our day! As a small token of our appreciation and in recognition of your amazing commitment, we would like to send you a GCC T-shirt and cap. Please let me know what size and where to address it and I will make the necessary arrangements accordingly.

With your permission, we would like to use your story as a case study. We always welcome written testimonials, photos and videos from participants around the globe who have experienced the benefits of the GCC first hand. We’d love you to wear the GCC cap at your Half Marathon and would be thrilled to include something from you if you are able to provide it.

Please let me know if you have any questions or wish to discuss details."

With best wishes,

Regards Jude – Regional Director, Central, USA
Global Corporate Challenge®
Get The World Moving™

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 33 (aka 53 days until D-Day)

I completed 6 miles today and I should have been elated. Last week I remember feeling like a rockstar. . .this week something strange happened. Now I get those sappy moments on Biggest Loser when the contestants start crying and the trainers get all deep and stuff. I get it.

Maybe my mistake was completing mile 2 through Centennial Park-- seeing all the skinny people jogging and running looking all fit and trim. I tried to jog part of the way but my bum knee protested so I just kept walking. Into my 4th mile something strange happened. I was overtaken by the need to cry. I just wanted to stop and forget all about this stupid goal. I started thinking about how big I still am and how hard I'm working and it doesn't seem to matter. I started feeling ashamed of myself for waiting until 33 to decide to be active. I felt ashamed of my fat self out there trying to keep up with the beautiful people. I seriously tried to rememer the phone number of the security desk at my building so they could come pick me up. I felt shame wash over me. Here I was midway through accomplishing something I've worked so hard for and I felt. . .shame?? WTH?? I know this sounds crazy, but this is what was going through my head.

I called my Mom but I don't think she really understood it; actually, I didn't even understand it. And just as I was about to reach the bottom of the hill near the state capital I heard God say, "endure." What does it matter if you sprint half way through only to fall to the wayside? The race is not given to the swift. Life is about progression. Life is about living it minute by minute in your lane, not in someone else's.

The shame I felt did not motivate me; it made me want to quit. It made me want to take my shoes off and go sit on the couch. Shame is born of fear. When you start redefining what's possible, when you start becoming more of who God says you are the fear crops up. It crops up because when you redefine what is possible, you have to examine how you have defined yourself previously. . .and why. I remember feeling ashamed when I would go to my Mom's aeorbic classes. I thought she'd be embarrassed to tell people that I was her daughter. I remember feeling shame working out and catching my reflection in the mirror.

Today, as I rounded mile 4 and crested the hill into mile 5 I confronted my fear and my shame. Today, as I completed my 6 miles in 1hr 50min I chose not to beat myself up for walking at a 18.33 min/mile pace. Today I am thankful that every day I'm getting stronger and every moment I'm getting closer to God's purpose for me. Shame and fear have no place in my destiny. Onward and onward, higher and higher until I reach the finish line.