The Journey...

I started this blog in 2010 under the title "The Fat to Fit Chronicles" to document the training for and completion of my very first half-marathon. My decision to train was the first step on my journey from fat to fit. In my former life I was 319 lbs, depressed, and living a "less than" life.

Over the course of training I discovered a passion for fitness and helping others. So this blog has morphed into something more than just my musings and venting. My hope is that when you leave this blog you have learned something or picked up something valuable to aide you along your own journey.

So mount up, Posse, and let's go from Fat to Fit!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

She-Ra is NOT Invincible. . .who knew?

So. . .I felt like a champion having completed my first (of many more to come) half marathon but here I sit five days later and my ankle is still swollen. No I haven't gone to the doctor. Yes, I've iced it (even took an ice bath--brrrrrr!) and elevated, etc. etc. etc. It's not hurting so I've continued working out. It's not as puffy today; maybe that means it's getting better.

Dude! I put together a new circuit and I LUV it! It focuses on upper body, back and core. I haven't come up with one for the lower body yet, mainly b/c I run/walk frequently and do my leg strengthening exercises. Anywhoo, try it and give me your feedback. I did my bicep work with 15lb weights and felt like THE WO-MAN!! (hee hee hee)

  • Warm up for 5-10 minutes (depending on your schedule)
  • First circuit, 12 reps each: dumbbell flys, reverse flys, bicep curls
  • Run/bike/jumping jacks/jump rope (whatever!) for 1 minute
  • Repeat 1st circuit
  • Cardio (from above) for 1 minute
  • Second circuit, 12 reps each: military press, lateral raises, front arm raises (your shoulders will hate you!)
  • Cardio for 1 minute
  • Repeat 2nd circuit
  • Cardio for 1 minute
  • Third circuit, 12 reps each: bench press, hammer curls, bench dips
  • Cardio for 1 minute
  • Fourth circuit: 12 Leg lifts (works lower abs), 30-second plank (push up position), 12 sit ups (or as high as you can go)
  • Cardio for 1 minute
  • Repeat 4th circuit
  • Stretch and chillax

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Twelve weeks ago I set out to do something that, at the time, seemed impossible. In 12 weeks I've gone from a complete novice to completing a 5k, 15k, and 1/2 Marathon. Yesterday was so wonderful. The organizers of the Womens' Half Marathon did an awesome job. I will definetly love to participate next year.

My goal going into this was simply to complete the 1/2 Marathon in under 4 hours. I did not want to be scooped up by the "sweep truck." No way, Jose! My official time was 3:33:36. I am so proud of my accomplishment and am thankful to God for instilling in me the determination to execute the plan of action and strive towards the goal. No one can ever take that moment away from me.

I won't give you the complete blow-by-blow but here are the highlights/take-aways:

1) Tylenol PM is awesome in helping you get a restful night sleep, just be sure to give yourself at least 7 hours to sleep or you may wake up a little groggy

2) Walking barefoot to your car in the dark can be hazardous--put on flip flops or something (stepped on a spring, ouch!!)

3) Get all your potty business done pre-race; this Diva detests porta-potties.

4) Start hydrating the night before!!

5) PowerBar Energy bars are excellent pre-race. No tummy issues and no hunger mid race.

6) the dynamic "stretching" routine is bleeping awesome and works!

7) 13 blocks is a great warm up. . .but not so great after the pounding your body takes. Think about the beggining and the end when you park. On my way back to office I was praying for my Fairy God-Diva to turn a banana into a corvette.

8) GU is nasty, but it works!!! It was just the burst I needed to get me pumped after mile 9.

9) My Iron Girl hydration belt rocks!!! It was so cool having my hands free but also having a ready source of hydration in between water stations. After mile 5 I switched to Gatorade mixed with a little water. The pocket on it kept my energy brownie (yes, they make those), my car key, and my massage money.

10) All those years cheering people on from the sidelines I never really knew just how much it can mean to someone. I absolutely LOVED the volunteers and "cheerleaders" along the route who kept us encouraged and motivated. Some were out there supporting specific racers but were gracious enough to send love your way. I will never view sideline cheering the same. To hear someone yell "Jenita you rock!!" or "Good job, Jenita" as I'm pulling out everything I have to get over a hill was simply beautiful.

11) God is so awesome! I downloaded a number of songs from iSweat Fitness on Thursday night. I hadn't had time to listen to all of the songs prior to making my "13.1" playlist. As I coasted into mile 3 a song named "Power" came on. After that was one named "Everyday." As I was walking these songs ministered to me--and yes I was singing!! IKeep your heart tuned into the spirit God.

12) I set a personal record (PR) back to back. I completed my first mile in 15:29 and my second mile in 14:50. After mile 4 my pace settled in at about 16:00. So glad I bought a stop watch b/c I was able to somewhat monitor my pace and not get to comfortable or too fast.

13) I want to thank the lady who I initially passed on mile 3 but who caught up with me at mile 6 and ran with me through mile 7. You motivated me at a moment when I was faltering. You encouraged me to dig deep and keep pushing. Thank you and congrats on beating your goal.

14) Words cannot fully express everything I felt along the 13.1 mile route. Just before mile 10 my right ankle started stiffening up and my left knee was aching. But this was part of the course that I had trekked before in my training, so I knew what was ahead and refused to give in to the pain. When I was about halway through mile 13 and walking up the Shelby Street bridge I could envision victory and almost started crying. But I told myself "keep it together girl! No blubbering!" When I rounded the corner of 1st and Demonbreun I couldn't help but cry because I remembered the chubby 7th grade me who couldn't tumble. I remembered I stopped riding a bike because the tires would go flat when I got on. I remembered the doctors all telling me that I would probably develop diabetes. I remembered what it felt like to be denied life insurance because of my height to weight ratio. All those things came flooding to my memory and all I could think was "No way!! No more!!" To see people clapping and cheering, to hear the announcer say "Jenita, you just completed the Womens' Half Marathon," and to have someone drape a medal around your neck. . .Such a wonderfully marvelous feeling. Victory is indeed sweet.

I have to take a momen to thank my friends and family who have been so encouraging and supportive. Although I step out on the pavement alone, it's your words that I call to memory when I start feeling alone. My mom and my step dad were cheering me on in spirit all the way in Georgia :) My fellow Zumba-lover, Yo-Jo supported me from Denver, CO. And my homegirls Al and Audrey had my back way over in Hawaii. Thank you to all of you prayed for me and kept me encouraged. Thank you to my pal Sandy C.S. who also completed the 1/2. Having her there meant so much.

What's next?? Monday starts the first day of the training schedule for my new running group, Fit Girl Posse. Currently I'm plannning out another fall race, either a 15k or a 10-miler, and the Country Music 1/2 Marathon in the spring. What I know for sure is that ther is no turning back. Fitness is not a hobby; it's not something you pack in a box and pull out when you need it. You live it every day. You wake up every day and raise the bar. "Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best." Be blessed and stay tuned.

Friday, September 24, 2010


This is it. For 12 weeks I've been training, getting stronger daily, all for tomorrow morning. They say you should get plenty of rest--Dude, I can't sleep!! For two nights I've been restless and anxious, worrying about if I'll be able to finish. I have visions of the "course sweep truck" having to cart me off the course b/c I'm the last person. I've been repeating to myself two things: "Be anxious for nothing" and "Finish Strong!"

I guess you never know how effective your training is until D-Day. Soldiers never know if their combat training was effective until they experience combat. From there, their skills and abilities are honed because they have an idea of what to expect. I have to remind myself that this is my first time in the "theater of action" so I should not expect to perform like a vet. One thing I learned from the 15k is to run my race and not someone else's. I will not make the mistake of going out too fast this time b/c I paid for it. I will not make the mistake of not knowing my course. I will not make the mistake of not warming up sufficiently b/c it made the first two miles horrific. Lessons learned. . .

On a sidenote, I'm already feeling alone. This time around I will know a few people in the crowd (a coworker and a friend) but they are runners so I'm sure they'll be way ahead of me. I'm really hoping that the FGP running group works out b/c it would be nice to have people around to share in the victory--and take your pic for you!

Anywhoo, I'm rambling. Tonight I'm hoping to be in bed by 8pm. I've already picked out my race outfit and headgear. I think I may purchase a knee support b/c it's been talking to me the last couple of days. There is nothing more I can do to prepare at this point except rest my body and relax my mind.

This fat girl is ready to move on to the next chapter.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Five Days!!!

Dude, I'm hyperventilating!! And I think my body is subconciously trying to sabotage me. I've been taking it easy (possibly too easy?) and my left knee and shin started aching a little yesterday. I'm thinking it's because I had on flat sandals all weekend. So I'll definitely have to make sure and do my foot, shin, and OA knee exercises this week.

I found a Race Week workout in the October issue of Runner's World that I will do this week. I also read some really great advice on warm up routines. I think one of my mistakes on the Athena 15k was that I didn't warm up adequately. I think for the 1/2 marathon I will park my car in my office building and walk down to the Country Music Hall of Fame. It's about 13 blocks so that should be a pretty nice warm up w/o tiring out my legs; just need to allow enough time.

It's hard to believe that all my training these past 82 days is coming down to how I prepare this week. . .Whatever happens, I've enjoyed the journey (most of it).

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ode to potato chips

If you have known me longer than five minutes, you know that I have a thing for potato chips. They are my stress reliever. There is just something about the "crunch, crunch" that soothes my wittle nerves. So imagine my surprise when this evening all I wanted to do was get out and run.

WTH?? No urge to pick up a bag of Jalapeno Cheetos?? Onion Blossom Pringles?? Surely you jest?? Run?? Who am I???

Yes, I was craving--needing--a quick run. At 9:35pm I was doing intervals in front of my house and actually enjoying working up a sweat. Plus, I got to try out my new hydration belt :D

The fat girl in me is still perplexed.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Take it easy?? Huh?

With only 9 days until the 1/2 I'm supposed to be taking it easy and tapering off my workouts/runs. Say what?? You must not know me very well. I am an over-achiever and my own worst critic so this "taking it easy" thing seems counterproductive. BUT. . .I am smart enough to know that experts are experts for a reason.

All of my research and training guides (and vet runners) say that you need to back off a few weeks before the big race. So, I haven't been shooting for any particular distance this week. Instead I've just been making sure my legs stay awake. Yesterday I ran a quick mile while waiting for my kids to get home. Nothing serious, just worked on my pacing during that mile. I would have gone longer but they arrived just as I finished mile 1.

Today I jogged for about five minutes as a warm up for weight training. My workout buddy and I did a 21s routine from Hers Muscle & Fitness--awesomely painful!!! I'll take a day off tomorrow and do more weights on Friday.

Saturday I'm planning on participating in the Franklin 4 The Cure 5k with my son. It's the only race I could find that gives all the kids medals. Since the boys will be with me this will be more of an easy stroll as opposed to training. I read an article in October's Runners World that has some race weeks workouts. I'll probably follow that for next week--and no weight training. Maybe I'll get a massage. . .

By the way, I did go ahead and start a running group: Fit Girl Posse. I'm excited b/c one of the downfalls of training alone is that it's kind of lonely during the race b/c you have no one to share the joy of victory or push you when you reach a mental block. But then again, that's the cool thing about running/walking: it's all you out there pushing and pumping and digging and moving ever onward. I hope they learn to love the joy and the pain as much as I have. (insert sinister laugh and fade to black)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Note to self. . .

So, note to self: don't drink four glasses of wine the night before a significant run. Yes, I had four glasses of wine. I was at home by myself (kids were gone) and bored. Yes, I know I should have been hydrating. No, I should not have stayed up until 1am on the computer. Trust me, I paid for it!

Saturday I did the middle of the 1/2 marathon course (from 18th Ave South). I started an hour later than I had planned--b/c I stayed up too late. As usual, after the first mile I found my groove. The route wasn't too bad. I was able to pick out the spots where I can gain some time by running. None of the hills were horrible (nothing like PWP). But then, I felt dehydration creeping up on me. About 4 miles into it I ran out of water and started getting a headache. Thankfully, some group was hosting a walk and let me fill my water bottle (thank you Lord!). I was good for another few miles when I ran out of water again. I had the foresight to bring $2 with me so I stopped in a store and bought another bottle of water. After that I felt my mojo coming back and I started enjoying myself again. Yes, there is joy in the pursuit.

My goal was to get 10miles in but I honestly don't know how far I went. I made myself stop after two hours b/c it was starting to warm up (It was 10:33am when I ended) and get more humid.

I can stay that I am so glad I ran the course. The coolest part was coming to the Country Music Hall of Fame. I could envision the finish line. I could envision myself running across the finish line with a huge smile on my face and sweat on my brow. Victory! It was too cool. One lesson I learned from the Athena 15k is to know the course. I will never be unprepared like that again. There is only one section of the course that I'm unfamiliar with but I plan on checking it out tomorrow.

One strange thing that kept creeping up this weekend was that feeling of being alone; not lonely. I know that my family and friends support me, but I feel like I am disconnected from people. I don't want the only thing I talk about to be running, but I have to say that I absolutely love it (well, currently walk/jogging). Saturday when I passed these two guys I felt so. . .I don't even know how to sum up the feeling. Being the fat girl all the time you get used to be passed but it is freaking awesome when you pass someone--and stay in front of them! I also found my pace Saturday. I was able to run more than I ever have (off the treadmill) and I wasn't totally spent afterwards. That "walk until you're bored, run until you're tired" thing really works. After my first stint of running Saturday it's like my legs were saying "okay okay, now lets go!"

To anyone preparing to renew your lifestyle, be prepared for the full cost. It takes sacrafice, discipline, time, and effort. It may cost you some friendships. It may cost you some "fun time." But for me, it has been worth it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

15 Days to Go. . .

So, in case you haven't realized it now I'm setting myself up for success. Not just for the 1/2 Marathon but for afterwards. This morning a few friends and I have decided to form a running group (starting Oct 2nd) so we can be Bad-A$$es together. This will help keep me accountable. And I guess I'm like my Mom in that keeping others motivated keeps ME motivated (funny how that works). I've also planned out a solo race for myself and a 5k for the group to end out this year. These things are helping me see my fitness-life past the 1/2 Marathon.

Additionally, the Global Corporate Challenge ended this week so I'm no longer "required" to enter my daily steps but I know that I need to find some mechanism for keeping myself accountable daily to keeping my butt in motion. As much as I hate food/fitness journaling I'm going to have to put on the "big girl pants" and get to it. Any suggestions are welcome!!

Next on tap is to follow up with the dietician and find me an inexpensive but GOOD personal trainer/running coach. One of my FB friends is friends with a fine-specimen of a man who is part of a running group. . .maybe I'll send him a message (hee hee hee).

Tomorrow is my last long run/walk before the 1/2 Marathon and I'm still fighting my nerves. The next two weeks will be a serious time of prayer, discipline, and reflection for me. It is not a fluke that as I've gotten stronger in my body, I've gotten stronger in my faith.

You have to have a measure of faith to believe that you are capable of walking a distance that most would not. You have to have a measure of faith to trust God to keep you going when all your legs want to do is stop. Through this journey God has been with me--walking alongside me, carrying me, pushing me, patting me on the back--He has never left me. So, I HAVE to believe that He will be with me when I step up to the starting line on Sept 25th. Do you know that feeling? Do you know what it feels like to expect victory even before you begin? Do you know what it feels like to know that no matter how tired your arms get (like Moses), God will send someone to hold them up? That no matter how long the fight takes, He can make the sun stand still (like for Joshua)? That no matter how much you've suffered, He can restore you (like Job)? Do you know the God I serve? I invite you to take a walk and get to know Him.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

18 days left!!!

OMG!!! Am I counting correctly?? 18 days until I have to complete 13.1 miles?? Seriously! Maybe that's why my blood pressure went up. I don't know if this is normal but I'm really starting to get nervous and questioning my ability.

Yes, I completed a hellacious 9.32miles (my glutes still tremor when I think about it). Yes, I've been putting in my miles when I can. But being a single-working-mom requires a lot of creativity and flexibility when it comes to my training schedule. Thankfully a friend took my kids for the evening yesterday and I was able to get in an hour. I tracked a 3 mile route but added to it b/c I had extra time. I'm guessing I did maybe 4 miles yesterday.

Gotta say, whatever the outcome of this half marathon, I'm hooked. I made myself stick to a "warm up" pace for my 1st mile and then it's like my legs woke up and I was off to the races. I swear it's the best feeling in the world when your body goes shouts "I WAS MADE TO MOVE SO GET OUTTA MY WAY!!" To top that off, I have the tendency of dancing while I walk, especially if it's a great song. I'm sure it makes for interesting conversation for passing motorists.

Okay, I'm calm now. Onward!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Time to get a team in place

A month ago I read a book by Martina blah-blah (can't spell her last name), a famous tennis player. One of the things she stresses you do is get your team together. That was reinforced by Bill G. (one of the Biggest Loser winners) when he spoke to our group--trust the advice of your experts. I don't know how much more I can do on my own. Up to this point I've gained knowledge by research, reading, and T&E (trial and error). But I need help b/c I can't seem to push past this mark.

While my goal during the training for the half has not been weight loss, it does bother me that the scale really hasn't moved much. I know I've gained strength and endurance. My clothes fit better. But the numbers are starting to get to me.

Today I contacted a dietician and will be working with her on planning my meals and figuring out what works for me. I would also like to see about getting a fitness/running coach even if I can only afford one or two sessions per month. Or maybe I'll join a running group. I just know that I need to get a team of people around me who can help me push to the next level. I have the internal motivation, I have the dicipline, and most importantly the desire to make lasting changes. How can I not succeed?? I've battled this weight thing for as long as I can remember and for awhile I was resigned to always being "plus sized." My goals, in my opinion, are realistic and obtainable--I just need help getting there.

For anyone who thinks that having weight loss surgery is the final solution to your weight problem---WRONG!! I know for me it has only been an aid, but I've had to really change the way I eat, the way I think about food, the way I plan my meals and hydration, the way I expend the calories I consume. This thing is not easy. To all those out there who make the conscious effort to MOVE and make lasting life changes I am with you and feel your struggle. We can do all things through Christ. Endure until the end, keep moving forward no matter how tough a day you have. God honors your genuine efforts and you will see the results if you endure until the end.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Still No Excuses. . .23 days to go!

So, I didn't get to do my lunch time workout today. But do you think that stopped me?? NOOOO. While the boys were eating dinner I went out in the back yard and ran laps intermittent with drills (squats, lunges, jumping jacks, pushups, front kicks, calf raises, one legged squats). The boys joined me midway through and we raced a little bit. It was much better than doing a video. Something about being outside that I like.

Yesterday I did some speed work on the outside track--yes, in the hot __ sun!! I added in some race walking. I'm hoping that by using race walking techniques I can speed up my pace a bit. I have 23 days to incorporate it. We shall see. . .

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Setting an example

Don't know if I mentioned this before, but one of my objectives through this journey is to make movement a part of my kids lives, not just mine. In an earlier post I reflected on how my mom taught aerobics but "activity" was never a family thing, it was her thing. Which is fine; I'm not ranting against my madre (she's my personal She-ra). I wanted to make movement a "family" thing.

When I'm not able to get to the gym I workout at home. So, I started including the boys in that workout b/c otherwise I get nothing done. Last night they wanted to exercise instead of read a story. I had them stretch like a tree and roll like the wind and twist like a snake. We had the best time. My 4yr old wanted to wear my race bib and medal, then he looks at me and says "I wanna win da wace like mommy." That made me feel so good; it made me go check for kids runs coming up this month. I found one where all the kids who participate get a medal. I can't wait!

I'm helping them develop good, healthy habits that I hope they will employ for life. Legacy is not just about money and property.