The Journey...

I started this blog in 2010 under the title "The Fat to Fit Chronicles" to document the training for and completion of my very first half-marathon. My decision to train was the first step on my journey from fat to fit. In my former life I was 319 lbs, depressed, and living a "less than" life.

Over the course of training I discovered a passion for fitness and helping others. So this blog has morphed into something more than just my musings and venting. My hope is that when you leave this blog you have learned something or picked up something valuable to aide you along your own journey.

So mount up, Posse, and let's go from Fat to Fit!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

My "Why" Remembered

"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more." --Tony Robbins

People use blogs for different things. I started this blog as a way of staying accountable but also with the hope that somewhere someone would read it and relate. My blogs mean something to me. I feel like a little piece of me is in each one. For the past couple of weeks I've been trying very hard to come up a topic but so far none of the outlines resonate with me. They come across as "preachy" and removed. If you wanted to learn about goal-setting you could go buy a book or Bing/Google it the same way I can. What I bring you here is snapshot into my journey in the hopes that it gives you fuel to continue your own. This weekend I was reminded of my "why" for starting this blog and the whole coaching initiative in the first place.

For those who have followed the Chronicles, if you recall I started a run/walk group called Fit Girl Posse back in September of 2010. It started off slow--one person showed up (love you Rhonda!)--but I've kept pushing. In January I renewed my efforts and streamlined some things. At the first scheduled meeting zero--yes, zilch--people showed up. At the second meeting my heart was full because six people showed up, including my best friend who is not into sweating, especially on a Saturday morning. In the few weeks since then I've seen one lady just absolutely rock the house (Casey, I'm talking about you!) and another begin to wield her influence to get those around her active (MP, that's you!).

This weekend I saw a friend who has battled weight right along with me run/walk 3.4 miles--EASY. I saw a mother, who is fighting to get fit, encourage her daughter along 2.4 miles. I watched that same daughter, in spite of her pain, finish every inch of the course--not taking the easy way out or bailing on the task at hand. I saw a little girl with asthma run alongside her mom instead of opting for her scooter. I heard a friend, with aching shins, thank me for getting her to come out. I saw a woman, who an hour earlier didn't want to part from her blanket and pillow, run ahead of everyone and finish an extra lap. I saw women who moments earlier had been strangers, encourage each other on to victory.

Fit Girl Posse @ Cane Ridge Park (2-26-11)
These women and girls reminded of me of why I chose this course. They reminded me of the vision God hid in my heart. Yes, as a Beachbody Coach I would love to earn an income. Yes, I have personal fitness goals to meet. But I believe with every thing that is within me that when you allow yourself to be used to bless others you CANNOT fail. Some people don't get it. Some may call it Pollyanna or Utopian. Whatever. As much as people tell me that I've inspired them, I am spurred forward by the evidence of success I see around me.

In twelve days I will step onto the course of the Tom King Classic Half-Marathon, ill prepared and nervous. When I hit mile 6 and think about turning back, I will see Rakeyya and keep pushing. When I hit mile 10 and think I can't go on, I will think of Bailey's little lungs and keep pushing. When I have conquered 13.1 miles I will look back on the course and know that I did not do it alone.

To become a member of Jenita Lawal's team, please visit and sign up for a free membership. To view the Fit Girl Posse run/walk schedule, visit Follow us on Facebook at  Be Fit4Life!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fear itself. . .

I believe success is preparation, because opportunity is going to knock on your door sooner or later but are you prepared to answer that? --Omar Epps 

There aren't many things that I'm afraid of. I have a fear of heights but I'm also an adrenaline junkie so I'll scale heights just to defy my fear. I love it when that shaky feeling in my stomach turns into a scream of exhilaration. My friends balk when I say I want to bungee jump, zip line through a jungle, skydive. I'm not afraid of the dark, the big bad wolf, bugs nor thugs. The one thing I am deathly afraid of. . .is failure.

As of today I am 26 days away from my first scheduled half-marathon for 2011 and I am no where near prepared. My weekly mileage is far below what it should be at this point and my creativity has been hampered by my dread of the cold. I am not prepared. The sensible part of my brain is telling me to pick another race a few more weeks out. The psycho part of my brain is telling me to just do it anyway and see what happens. But what if I proceed with the race on March 12th and don't finish? What if I can't get past 7 miles and have to picked up by the sweep truck?? What if my time is dismal? Do I admit defeat by rescheduling or do I chance failing in 26 days?

It's times like this that I regret making my actions so visible. Had I never told anyone about my goals I could shrink quietly into the shadows and no one would be the wiser. But then, that's what accountability is all about right? Holding you accountable, responsible, for keeping your word. Holding you accountable for following through. . .maybe no one out there really cares whether I go through with the race or not. What's that question about a tree falling in the woods??

I am at a crossroads and feeling a little discouraged. There are so many things that I would like to accomplish but because of my life circumstances I am limited. At every turn I've come up with an anti-excuse or alternative plan to combat the challenges my life presents. At this moment I am envious of those people who waste away precious hours of the day doing nothing. . .my God what I could do with that time! Just give me four of their hours a week and watch what I could accomplish! But instead I have to steal moments each day to do the things that will move my life forward. Instead I give up my time in sacrifice to those around me because my life is not my own. . .

Over the next week or so I will continue to seek God's will. I know that through Christ I can do all things, but God is a God of preparation and order. He doesn't do things haphazardly. When He sends you on a mission He equips you, provides for you, prepares you. . .those He sends into battle do not fail.